Every December since 1988, the Telethon has collected donations in Switzerland in order to finance,
among other things, animal experimentation projects for the research of genetic diseases.
According to the Tribune de Genève of November 27, 2006, "half of the proceeds is devoted to research
in the field of genetic diseases (and a good part to animal experiments)."
Furthermore, Le Nouvelliste reported on December 2, 2005: "According to Yves Bozzio, president of the
Foundation Telethon Action Switzerland, approximately 15% of the funds collected serve to finance
projects involving laboratory animals."
According to the Téléthon Flash of October 2005 and the Telethon's website, the Telethon collected from
1988 to 2014 a total of 74 million francs, 15% of which corresponds to 11 million francs for animal
experimentation projects.
Conclusion: Despite 27 years and 11 million francs for animal experiments, the genetic diseases
are still incurable.
Dr. Christopher Anderegg,
President & Director,
Association for the Abolition of Animal Experiments, Zurich